What is diastema?

  Diastema is actually a gap between two teeth that can be seen in some people, both children and adults. It is not harmful and this space can be created between any teeth. If someone does not like the appearance of their diastema, they can reduce or eliminate the gaps.

Diagnosis of diastema is easy and the dentist notices the distance between the teeth by examination. And the person himself notices the gap between the teeth when brushing and flossing.

Cause of diastema

Could it be hereditary?

Yes, the size of the teeth and jawbone is usually genetic.

Tooth and jaw size:

Some people's teeth are smaller than the jawbone. Therefore, it may cause gaps between the teeth.

Also, if some teeth are missing or smaller than other teeth, it may create a gap between the teeth.


Finger sucking, lip sucking, tongue thrust, and similar habits can put pressure on the teeth and cause diastema.


If it is acute, it causes speech problems. Children may find pronouncing certain words difficult.

Diastema interferes with eating and chewing normally when there is extra space. But having a smile appearance with gaps, especially the larger diastema and multiple gaps, is the most problematic part. It can make the person self-conscious about their smile look.

Treatment of diastema

The diastema sometimes closes over time and spontaneously, and in cases such as the presence of a sticky buccal frenum or due to the presence of an additional hidden tooth, surgery must be performed first to remove it. The following methods are also effective:


Orthodontics is one of the best ways to treat diastema. Of course, orthodontics is not suitable for all types of diastema. For example, if your child's teeth are slightly apart, it is likely that this distance will disappear in the next two to three years. But for more certainty, you can take your kid to the dentist to guide you with orthodontics or other methods.


If the distance between the teeth is not large, the dentist can fill it with composite resin, which is the same color as the tooth. Of course, if this distance is the size of a tooth, the bonding method is not recommended.

Gum surgery or lip frenum:

If the cause of the diastema is related to the gums, before orthodontics or bonding, surgery must be performed to fix the gum problems.

Apart from the methods mentioned above, porcelain veneers, bridges, and dental implants are also other ways to treat diastema.


In general, diastema does not cause problems unless the person is not satisfied with his smile and wants to treat it. You can give yourself a beautiful smile by going to the dentist and receiving the necessary treatment.


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