Tooth decay in children

 Tooth decay is one of the most common problems in children. From children’s baby teeth to permanent teeth all can be affected by decay and cavities. If these cavities are not treated, they can cause serious dental health problems later.

Tooth decay happens in all, teens, children, and adults. For this reason, before these types of problems occur, it is better to take proper care of oral health to prevent decay.

What is the cause of tooth decay in children?

One of the most important reasons for children's tooth decay and damage is the excessive use of sugary substances, followed by not observing oral and dental hygiene and leaving food particles inside the teeth.

Caries can spread from the enamel which is the hard mineral outer layer to the inner structure of the tooth.

Other causes of tooth decay in children:

·         Not brushing teeth well and regularly

·         Poor and unhealthy eating

·         Insufficient fluoride. The key ingredient, fluoride, is essential to help mineralize enamel and strengthen teeth

·         Taking some medicines and suffering from some special diseases

·         Genetics

·         Leaving the milk bottle in the mouth day and night and not cleaning the teeth with moist sterile gauze after feeding

Symptoms of tooth decay in children:

·         Causing severe pain and infection

·         Teeth sensitivity which makes them uncomfortable especially while eating foods/drinks that are sweet, acidic, or cold and hot

·         The presence of swelling in the child's gums and cheeks

·         Gum infection

·         Gum discoloration

·         Causing bad breath

·         Dry mouth

·         Child restlessness

Prevention of tooth decay:

Fissure sealant: It is a type of groove coating method that covers the pits and fissures on the chewing surface of the teeth to prevent food from remaining between the teeth. This treatment should be done periodically.

Fluoride therapy: This treatment is done to increase the resistance of the teeth and prevent the decay of the child's teeth.

Practicing twice-daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste and regular dental floss.

Using the right foods: Avoid frequent snacking, not using sweets, chips, soft drinks, candies, and other cariogenic foods and acidic beverages. Instead, have your main meals and get healthier diet of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cheese).


When a child has a toothache, it means that decay has penetrated deep into the tooth and caused damage to the tooth nerve. In this situation, the pediatric dentist removes caries and restores the tooth.

Tooth decay in children is a very common problem. A child is exposed to tooth decay from the time he gets his first tooth. Therefore, from the time the first tooth erupts, parents should take the necessary care and health tips. Also, take the child to the dentist regularly and check the condition of their teeth. In this way, if a problem occurs, you will be informed about it quickly and you can prevent it from becoming more serious and take action for treatment.


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