What is a wisdom tooth?

 It includes four teeth and are the last back teeth behind the molars on both sides of the upper and lower jaw.

Wisdom teeth are usually grown, semi-hidden, hidden, or may not be present at all, and more than one tooth may grow on each end side of the dental arch in your mouth.
This tooth must have enough space to grow. Otherwise, it will not find a way out and cause pain and inflammation.

Why do wisdom teeth cause pain?
Many people don't even notice wisdom teeth because they don't hurt. But if the wisdom tooth stays under the gum surface and grows horizontally due to the small space in the jaw, it causes pressure on the rest of the teeth, damaging other adjacent teeth and leaving you in pain.

What are the symptoms of growing wisdom teeth?
As we said, some people may not notice their wisdom teeth at all, but if you feel pain in the area of ​​the jaw joint, ear, head, and eyes, it is better to see a dentist as soon as possible.

Why is the name of this tooth wisdom tooth?
Because it usually grows between the ages of 17 and 25.

When should we have wisdom teeth surgery?
When the wisdom tooth becomes impacted, it means that it hasn’t erupted normally. So, it results in aligning toward other teeth or abnormal positions in your gums. This situation leads to dental abscess and infections, damage to nearby teeth, painful toothache, and many other oral health problems. Therefore, wisdom teeth surgery to take it out or, in an optimistic sense, orthodontics are the only solutions. It is not possible to consider an exact time for all people, this decision is made by the doctor by visiting the dentist and examining the teeth.
If this tooth grows in its place and properly, it is useful like other teeth, and we should forget the idea that wisdom teeth should be extracted.


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