What are plaque disclosing tablets used for?

 Disclosing agents are also available in liquid forms. It helps you and your child to see the accumulation of plaque and control it on your teeth. Therefore, the next time you want to clean your teeth, you brush or re-brush that part of your teeth that is more affected by plaque. It is a great way to manage the health of your gum and teeth with a targeted cleaning and brushing.

  • To show plaque on your teeth
  • Manage and brush your teeth better, which helps get rid of plaque easier
  • Help you detect plaque earlier, so tooth decay, gum disease and cavities are prevented
  • Are great for children’ oral health maintenance and early childhood caries (ECC) doesn’t happen if plaque is removed
  • Are useful oral product to detect plaque on teeth before or while having an orthodontic treatment
  1. buy them online or at your local pharmacy. Plaque disclosing tablets are available as over-the-counter. Choose tablets or liquid forms of the disclosing agent as you like.

  2. chew half of each tablet of the disclosing tablets (use smaller portion for children: usually a quarter of the tablet) and swish it for about 15 to 30 seconds in your mouth with your natural saliva. Then spit it out. If you get the disclosing solution, dab the disclosing agent with the cotton swab on your teeth (which comes as a kit with the plaque disclosing package). Swish and spit as with the chewable tablets. You can follow the instruction for the liquid or tablet disclosing agents and for children use according to the instruction on the label.

  3. now you can brush the spots that you see in pink or purple color based on the dye of each disclosing tablets that shows plaque. You may need to use lights to make it visible.


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