What creates a burp of sulfur?

The majority of the time, bad-smelling sulfur burps are caused by the meals and beverages you consume. Apart from burping, these meals will create excessive gas in your stomach, also known as flatulence.

Burp of sulfur

Sulfur burps are generated mostly by:

High-protein meals, whole grains, eggs, raw onions and garlic, sour and unripe fruits, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spaghetti, sausages, and sauces are all sources of sulfur burps, which cause you to burp a foul stench.

Drinks that generate sulfur burps include carbonated beverages, beers that emit carbon dioxide gas, and alcoholic beverages. The more of these drinks you consume, the more gas and burp you will generate.

Certain illnesses and conditions

What's the best way to deal with sulfur burps?

Sulfur burps can be treated by removing particular items from your diet or modifying habits that lead you to swallow too much air.

Remove foods and beverages from your diet that cause you to produce too much gas. These might differ from person to person, so pay attention to how your body reacts to different foods and try to avoid those that cause you to belch frequently.

Behaviors that result in additional air being swallowed should be avoided. This includes the following:

gum chewing

consuming hard candies


consuming food rapidly

while eating and conversing


Regular exercise may aid in the prevention of burping and other gastrointestinal discomfort.

  • Eating on the run and quickly
  • Eating large portions of food
  • Drinking carbonated drinks like soda, beer and sparkling water
  • Swallowing air (whether with foods or just a bad habit)
  • Ill-fitting dentures in your mouth, which changes the way you speak and articulate, so result in more air swallowing
  • Chewing gum
  • Smoking
  • Drink more water and do some sports: drinking water helps better digestion and is a must for daily overall health. You will have fresh and hydrated mouth with no more sulfur burps. If you do sports or exercise daily, these activities will make you drink more water, which in your daily life you may not be willing to drink that much water.
  • Drink green tea: peppermint tea, chamomile tea and other herbal green tea are recommended because of vast number of health benefits. Treating bad breath and the bad smell of sulfur burps with sipping a few cups of green tea can both decrease and stop the bad smell of sulfur burps and make your day with a fresh breath.
  • Honey and warm water mixture: mix one spoon of honey in a warm glass of water and drink it in the morning before breakfast. You will feel better about the pains in your stomach and prevent the sulfur containing gas of the burps from bothering you.


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