Why is tooth extraction performed?

There are many reasons to pulling teeth. The ability to save any natural tooth should be considered the primary principal of any dentist. There are instances, however teeth that are so badly degraded and damaged they they can't be considered a tooth any longer. The dentist is at the point of removing teeth in instances dental decay when:

  • The tooth, or the teeth have been totally worn out due to decay, and cannot be repaired.
  • tooth has been severely damaged by an accident or injury that dentists see it as irreparable.
  • tooth is damaged and infected, causing damage to nerves and the pulp that root canal treatment isn't able to restore the tooth.
  • The mouth is crowded with teeth or too many do not allow for the natural eruption. They also disrupt the process of orthodontics
  • serious gum disease issues (periodontitis) or other conditions like immune system illnesses have affected teeth's health and, ultimately, the need for tooth extraction

Treatment after tooth extraction (dos and don'ts)

If you adhere to the instructions of your dentist on the rules and regulations regarding tooth extraction procedures it is possible to handle it without difficulties. Extracting a tooth, like all other procedures requires a few simple routines to follow. Your dentist will offer guidelines prior to and after the procedure to you, and will be able to assist in the event of an unexpected issue.

If you adhere to dental aftercare guidelines that you can avoid an emergency call at night to your general dentist. The most common aftercare guidelines for a simple tooth extraction to heal include:

Bleeding or swelling after tooth extraction

  • The dentist provides you with gauze. You should apply your gauze for between 30 minutes to one hour in the socket of your tooth that has been pulled. This will help stop bleeding. If the bleeding continues then you'll need a the second or third gauze pack.
  • Tea bags are also suggested as a gauze wrapper to stop bleeding. It is recommended to bite into the tea bag about 30 minutes.
  • If the bleeding continues and then it increases (you observe massive blood clots) Contact your dentist.
  • Utilize ice packs or frozen ice peas for 24 hours following the tooth extraction. This can help reduce swelling. Place them on and off at intervals of 20 minutes for your soft tissue. (Apply the ice pack for about 20 mins, then put them away until 20 mins later. Repeat this throughout the day.)
  • To avoid damage to the skin or soft tissues, ice packs or bags filled with frozen peas shouldn't directly contact your skin. You can use a thin, clean cloth between.
  • Maintain your head up and straight when you sleep.

Tips to eat for dental extractions aftercare

  • Avoid hard, rough and hot drinks and foods. Drink soft liquids that aren't hot and won't cause burns or irritation.
  • Drink and eat cold but not too cold food and drinks (nonalcoholic) and increase your intake of liquids through drinking more water, and your preferred juice.
  • Do not use straws to drink, and try not to spit out your saliva with force for the duration of 24 hours. Any force applied to your mouth will cause bleeding
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for a whole week.

Oral hygiene tooth extraction aftercare

  • Make use of slat water rinse solutions within 24 hours. Mix half a spoonful of salt in a hot glass, then clean your mouth gently.
  • It is recommended that flossing and brushing be avoided as soon as possible following tooth extraction. This is to prevent damage to sutures and interruptions in the healing process. When healing has finished, you can begin the daily routine of brushing. Make use of mouthwashes instead for the duration of one week.
  • If you wish to floss or brush your teeth, keep your best to keep it out of the area where you extracted your teeth.
  • Use mouthwashes , especially those that contain hydrogen peroxide. Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol as a component.
  • Use painkillers according to the recommendations of your dentist.
  • Don't play sports or perform exercises on certain days.


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